Le Val Marnaysien - Guide Touristique

ÉTRABONNE LE MOUTHEROT JALLERANGE L’OGNON LANTENNE -VERTIÈRE CHAZOY BURGILLE CORDIRON RE P BRUSSEY MARNAY PLA HUGIER MOTEYBESUCHE MALANS Vers Gray Vers Dole Vers Vesoul La Ligne des Escargots L Vignoble Vignoble Welcome to the Val Marnaysien Dare to master time ! On foot, bicycle, horseback, canoe, you can discover, at your own pace, a territory in which centuries interact in harmony. Go and meet the elements that shaped the Val Marnaysien ! Water, has become a hyphen insteadof being a border. A remarkable mineral wealth, between castles, wash houses and stately homes. Nature, green bower accessible to everyone, without forgetting the legacy of centuries-old vines. Stay up to move better ! Restaurants, hotels, guest houses, lodges, trailers or campsites are ready to welcome you and share with you the soothing and well-living of our region. BIENVENUE AU C DU VAL MARNAY 2 | BIENVENUE AU COEUR DU VAL MARNAYSIEN

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